KETRON X1 klavye Tanıtımı


Vip Üye
5 Yıl ve Daha Eski Üyemiz
Özel Üye
22 Ocak 2010
Tepkime puanı
Roland EA7,Roland G-600

keyboard 61 weighted keys. after touch. 3 velocity curves. split.bend & modulation wheels.

polypohny 64 notes. 32 multitimbral.

sound source 276 sounds. 20 drum sets. 231 percussions. drum grooves. pcm, analog (saw, square, sine), fm voicing.

user voices 128 programmable user voices. controls :adsr,filter,lfo, wheels, aftertouch, effect.

sound card flash card 8mbyte (optional).

sound ram simm 16 mbytes.

factory styles 198 rom styles (2 banks x 99). 10 parts: drums, bass, groove, 5 chords, lower 1, lower 2. 4 arrangers, 3 intros, 3 endings, 4 fill ins. jump. arrange lock :drum, bass, chords, bass to lowest. bass to root. manual bass. bass octave. bass sustain. pedalboard. swell to right. lower octave.lower hold. left level balance. key start. key stop. restart. count in. start. hold. tempo slow/fast (40 - 250). accelerando/ritardando.

custom styles 198 custom styles with programmable parameter edit for factory styles.

drum mixer 10 drum sections: kick, snare, hi hat, cymbal, tom/fx, tambourine, latin 1, latin 2, latin 3, groove, drum on/off switches. controls: volume,reverb, panpot.

user drum set 4 programmable user drum sets. pitch, key shift.

patterns up to 99 internal patterns, flash ram 2mbyte expansion (optional).

registrations 198 panel registrations (2 banks x 99). up to 999 single disk registrations each folder.

programs 128 programs. 4 voices. 4 splits. effects. duet. trio. velocity switch.

drawbars 8 digital drawbars.16 organ effects. click, 2nd and 3rd percussion.

one touch 48 (2 banks x 24) 1 touch settings for right hand.

2nd voice 2nd voice programmable on voices for bank 1, 2, user and drawbar.

2nd voice edit voice change, volume, transposer.

octave up/down +/- 1 octave.

harmony full, jazz, double up, double down, bluegrass, trill, repeat, repeat speed.

portamento rate control +/- 64. mono legato function.

transposer +/- 24 halftones.

aftertouch assignable to cut off, volume, bend, slide, lfo. attack, threshold and sensitivity control.

modulation wheel lfo to pitch, to dcf, to dca, wha wha, swell, rate.

pitch wheel tune +/- 99 cents. vibrato on/off. bend value 0/24. bend to lfo, dcf, dca.

arabic scale tune +/- 99 cents per note. 6 arabic set up. footswitch assignable.

accordion mode international, belgique. left/right velocity control. bass octave, bass sustain, bass to chord recognition, lower 1/2 octave. left drum to bass, to chord.

effects 2 digital multi-effect dsp’s. 60 different effects. reverberation, chorus, flanger, feedback, delay, wha wha, distortion, overdrive, rotor slow/fast, equalizer +/-12 db (low, middle, high). 16 user effects.

sampler 8 mbyte sampling 16 bit - 44.100 khz. recording: time, trigger, loop type, reverse, delete. load & save for. wave files. sample edit: start, end, level, pitch, zoom, key, tune. up to 8 multisample with 32 splits each. multisample (msp) edit : a,d,s,r, cut off, velocity, effects, octave, level.

vocalist (optional). harmonizer, vocoder, melody types, midi vocalist track, left and right assign, reverb, delay, transpose, level, hold. filter edit: formant, frequency, resonance, equalizer.

midi 32 midi channels. general midi standard.

sequencer 16-tracks. 30.000 notes. up to 300.000 notes with 4mbyte simm (optional).

floppy disk drive 3,5" 2dd/2hd, smf song playback. real time song recording. 0/1 format. data save/load for custom styles, patterns, programs, registrations,user drum set, user voice, sounds. song play/pause. songs with lyrics. karaoke (reverse, underlined, mark). juke box ,lead & lyric on/off. song list. song text (font 1/2 ).

video interface (optional ).

hard disk from 1gbyte (up to 8 gbyte max). type: ata - ide 2,5". up to 99 folders. 999 files per folder. (optional on ketron x1 standard).

computer interface pc/mac interface (cables & software optional).

display 240 x 128 pixel backlit graphic tfc.

out. assign gm/keyboard out assignment to the 4 audio outputs.

amplification 2 x 22 w rms. 4 speakers. speaker on/off switch.

inputs stereo headphone. 2 line inputs: left/mono, right. microphone stereo input. gain control. level, pan/pot, echo, reverb, pitch shift +/- 12, dry.

midi midi in1, in2, out, thru.

outputs left/mono (1), right (2), 3, 4.sustain pedal. volume pedal. footswitch (6 or 13 switches).

standard accessories music stand. ac cord.

optional accessories hard disk (only for ketron x1 standard) flash card 8mbyte sound bank 8 or 16 mbyte. pattern flash expansion 2mbyte. sequencer simm expansion 4 mbyte. volume pedal. footswitch fs 6 - fs 13. vocalist kit. sustain pedal sustain pedal piano type midi pedalboard volume pedal 4 switches . 9 effect manual switch. hard case video interface computer interface kit for pc (cable & software) computer interface kit for mac (cable & software)

dimensions 117 x 40,5x 15,5 cm.

Ekli dosyalar

  • prodottoid1zfoto9x1.jpg
    24.7 KB · Görünümler: 266
  • ketron-x1-oriental.jpg
    15.1 KB · Görünümler: 298
  • soltonx1.jpg
    17.5 KB · Görünümler: 266
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
_İlk çıktığında hasta olmuştum bu klavyeye,gitmiş 380 liraya e70 alabilmiştim, ozamn bu alet 3000 lira idi hey gidi günler...
bu klavye en guzel oryantal hepsi var icinde tesekkurler.

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Delüxe üyelik Yapın sizinde olsun.. (Sunucu Ödemeleri için katkınız olsun)

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